Thursday 28 March 2013

Evaluation Question 7


Evaluation Question 7

Q7) Looking back at your preliminary task, what do you feel you have learnt in the progression from it to the full product?

Final Cut Pro Presentation is NOT completed.

EVALUATION Q5: How did you attract/address your audience?

Q5: How did you attract/address your audience? 

Use of young actors reflects on the target audience age (16 - 25) being mainly young adult audiences, our location is local as we are a UK and Ireland based film, to a quite common and typical layout of a block of flat within a central London area. Thrillers normally contain violent and aggressive scenes which is a immense industry to our targeted audience. The title Intruder is simple yet effective, reflecting exactly what the storyline consists of, while being an easy film name to remember; that could be quite popular while relating to the storyline of the thriller opening. 

The storyline continence is quite typical for its genre of film, the there plot based on a vulnerable young woman, home alone and a mysterious male antagonist as the villain. Our production company, MOMENTUM, is well known UK and Ireland based production company. 
Successful cinema screening have taken place for the thriller, while opening Facebook pages, twitter pages and other social networking sites.  

EVALUATION Q6: What have you learnt about technologies from the process of constructing this product?

Q6: What have you learnt about technologies from the process of constructing this product?

For our filming we used a range of technologies to make a professional film opening. Technologies included equipment such as; Blogger, Google, IMDb and candistudios equipment including; camera, lights, memory cards 

Final Cut Pro - is a editing software package which we used to edit our thriller opening scene together and to place titles of director, actors and production crew 

Soundtrack Pro - Is a professional sound editing software, in which you edit clear sounds to be placed on top of the clips of the thriller opening 

MPEG Stream Clip - Is a converting software to convert videos to mp4 to be placed on to Blogger. 

All software programmes used were used on Apple mac computers.  

Hard Drive - Saved all our filming clips and pre production/ post production research and prelim. 

SD Cards - used to record and hold our clips      which we then converted to the hard drive.

JVC Video Camera - HD camera, to create a professional look on our final product

Still Camera - helped with research and took still pictures of behind the scenes of the filming of our thriller.

Flip Camera - used mainly for the blog to receive constructive feedback and positive feedback on our thriller for improvements. 

Lights/Lighting - To create light and shadows in our film to at a professional level.

EVALUATION Q7: Looking back at your prelimary task, what do you feel you have learnt in the progression from it to the full product?

Q7: Looking back at your prelimary task, what do you feel you have learnt in the progression from it to the full product?


For our prelim we discussed as a group the main hollywood blockbuster films, including Nightmare on Elm Street, Scream, Disturbia and many others we decided to use Scream as our research thriller film for our prelim to be based on. We laid out a storyboard of how our prelim shot would be taken; as we based our prelim on Scream we used the idea of two young teenagers in a school and the villain Ghostface as our thriller antagonist. 

The use of making the prelim helped our group to practise filming a remake/original idea of a thriller scene, 180 degree rule was discussed as the correct why to film a film, making a more realistic scene and flows through to the next scene of the film. Our props was the environment that we used - being the college - and technical equipment was provided by candistudios located within the college grounds. 


We had a set time to film within a three hour lesson, creating us to rush a bit on the filming of the prelim   in the college, compared to the final product of our thriller opening were we filmed during lesson times at a peers house and during half term holidays. Filming for the final product was a tiring experience, were we had to re-record shots to make sure the 180 degree rule was use and the perfect lighting and shot angle. I did not participate with the filming of the film, but I opinionated my thought of how different shots would be taken to create the best clips for editing and a variety of choses. We set a timetable of the day that we would record at Rebecca's house (sunday and monday nine till five) and organised the pick up of equipment from the college studios, were we collected everything we needed.

Post Production

In a pervious lesson we learnt the use of editing on Final Cut Pro along with editing individually our own thriller opening of Arlington Road, which would now come into action with of final product; the pervious lesson helped us to put new skills to the test and helped edit a clean opening for our thriller. We then learnt how to add sounds and titles to our opening to create the full effect of a professional opening. However the difficulty of putting the sound from Soundtrack Pro onto the final product as the sounds from soundtrack were not quite as similar to the movement on the final thriller. 


Prelim lighting was not a successful as the final product as we used professional light stands the create the atmosphere of light, unlike the prelim that used the hallway lighting. Our prelim mise-en-scene was successful with the storyline of a typical thriller - an empty school, two friends alone, young, vulnerable and a mysterious antagonist which is the same typical mise-en-scene use of our final product. Our camerawork improved from the prelim to the final product; there was a lot more use of different angle shots and camera movements (pans, zooms etc) unlike the prelim that used simple tracking movements and similar angle shots. On Final Cut Pro we used lots of different editing techniques (fades, cuts to next clip) whereas the prelim we used sharp editing and little use of title editing. Overall i think we successful used sound, and a creative use of the conception of thriller opening for our final product, and we more successful then our practise prelim. 

Wednesday 27 March 2013

EVALUATION Q4: Who would be the audience for your media product?

Target audiences for thrillers typically are oung adults and adults,due to the amount of violence and complex storylines of the thrillers films. The violence of the film can cause a problem to younger viewers of a certain age range. Due to the violence and crime genre of thrillers films are targeted more at the male gender, with a target audience off 51% male and 49% female but depending on the subgenre of the thriller film.

Sub-Genres being a subcategory within a particular genre. Thriller Sub-Genres can be Conspiracy Thrillers such as The Bourne Ultamatium, North by Northwest is a type of genre consisting of some sort of hero/heroine who are stereotypically journalist or armarture investigators who find themselves trapped in a powerful organisation. Crime Thriller such as Inside man, Seven is a genre between crime and thriller with a more suspenseful account showing successful and failed crime in a film. Diasater Thriller are films like 2012, The Day After Tomorrow contain a natural disaster accuring worldwide. 

Itruders audience is a mystery thriller (sub genre) and a Thriller film, it cotains a crime element to the film. Due to our film being in a genre catagorie for young adults and above, to market our film the age catagorie I've made social networking pages for hits and comment on the film and feedback, including a officail twitter page for the thriller film.

EVALUATION Q2: How does your media product represent particular social groups?

Evaluation Question 1

In What Ways Does Your Media Product Use, Develop or Challenge Forms and Conventions of Real Media Products?

The opening credits of a movie generally involves a series of superimposed text. There are three different types of title sequences. There's the separate credit/title sequence, the titles which appear over the images as the narrative plays and then there's the films that display a black screen with credits. There are also films that do not have openings credits such as The Avengers, were the credits are left to the very end of the film. In reference to our thriller opening, we'd decided as a group to opt for the titles which appear over the images as the narrative plays. Therefore our film opening follows the common style of real media products.

There are two characters in the opening of our thriller: the intruder and the victim. The scene opens with the victim, showing her entering her flat, which is about 20 seconds in all. Second, the scene changes to show the intruder going into the same flat, then the camera shows the victim entering the house and going upstairs into her room, and following suit the intruder does the same. The pattern here is that during the opening, the camera shows the victim and the intruder in turn, one after the other which is a common convention of thriller films, an example film would be one such as psycho. This is useful as it enables the audience to make judgement of what is happening at the same time on the side of the victim and intruder. As the distance between the two parties reduces, i.e. the intruder gets closer to the victim, the camera begins to switch between them faster, and the music changes to effect suspense. This technique is a useful and common convention of mainstream media.

All in all, our opening is not very contrary to real media products. We chose not to deviate from traditional styles of thriller films as we did not want to lose the thriller aspect of it, which is the fundamental purpose of the opening. Following the common style of action thriller films gives the audience a chance to predict what might happen and therefore allows them to enjoy it more.

Conventional Film Opening Sequence- Production Complany (Ident)
- Distribution Company (Ident)
- Production Complany (Title)
- Distribution Company (Title)
- Actor 1 (Star)
- Actor 2 (Star)
- Actor 3
- Actor 4

- "

- "
- "
- Casting
- Costume
- Music Supervisor
- Music by
- Edited by
- Production Designer
- Director of Photography
- Executive Producer
- Written by
- Director
This is the general order in which the Credits of a film are shown. The production Company and the Distributers are shown first as they're most important, followed by the stars of the film, before the film title.

Here are a few examples of the titles in our opening sequence.


Evaluation Question 4

Q4) Who would be the audience for your media product

The target audience for many thrillers are usually adults, the reason for this is because it might include a lot of violence and some psychological issues that can be disturbing for younger audience.
Thriller’s are slightly male targeted gender wise , the target audience consist of 51% of men and 49% of female. However, different sub genres have different target audience.

Sub Genre
Sub genres for thrillers are different for example psychological thrillers like ‘Memento’ are more intellectually demanding, therefore the target audience is about 25-24 years old. Where as action thriller (our sub genre) which are less intellectually demanding, attract a younger audience (teens) because they want instantaneous excitement.

The sub genre for my thriller is action thriller which is targeted at mostly towards young adults which include 16 to 21 years old.We (My group and I ) have chosen this specific target audience as it has young characters even though the there is only one main character  who's face is shown, the other character is young as well.

I have created a Facebook account for a member of our target audience. This is to show the kind of people that would go and see our film 'Intruder'. Also by creating a Facebook account this help promote the film as she may post information about the on her status, share with friends or suggest them to her friends. In addition the fact that she lives in Islington will benefit the promotion of the film as she may feel excited about the film as it has been produced in her area this may influence her to go and talk to her friends in college through world of mouth. As there is many people in her college the information about the release of the film is more likely to be shared fast among her friends and peers in college.

Tuesday 26 March 2013

Evaulation Question 2

How Does Your Media Product Represent Particular Social Groups?
Representation is the way a social group is shown to an intended audience. This can be either positive or negative for that social group. A social group is defined as group where the individuals thereof are linked by a set of similar beliefs and ideas.
The teenage girl in the film is the targeted victim of the intruder. Stereotypically she is represented as the good, vulnerable female who has no power to change what is happening to her. The intruder wears a hoody, trainers and jeans, all clothing items in your average boy's wardrobe. As the intruder's hood is up his face cannot be seen. The hood evokes stereotype of anti-social and gang affiliated behaviour amongst viewers. the attire of the intruders makes him represent as the 'bad guy', which as it is the intention of the film, means that we were successful in getting this message across. Having the female as the good girl and the male as the bad guy is also a stereotype in itself as crimes are usually attributed to the male gender.
Both the male and female characters ages fits a stereotype: teenage girl and make-up, and teenage boy and casual dress. Stereotype is often perceived to be negative but I believe that it is useful and necessary in driving the plot in the film. Stereotypes allow the audience to make assumptions which helps them to piece together cues from the film like the music and the choice of camera shots used. For example long, high pitched screechy sounds indicate something sinister occurring, whilst over the shoulder shots indicate that one is being watched. The use of lighting also aids differentiation in gender representation as when the female is on screen the lighting is brighter, however when the intruder is being shot the lighting is dimmer.
The victim belongs to the white English social group which is normally presented in mainstream media as the 'better' race and victim of foul play by other races. Likewise, the white English teenager is the victim in 'intruder', however this does not go to say that the intruder is of another race as he is not seen.

Evaluation Question 5

How Did You Attract/Address Your Audience?

In order to make our thrilling appealing to the target audience, 16-21 year olds, there were a number of aspects of the film we had to consider. These were: the storyline, genre of thriller, location of the film, actors and mise en scene.

The storyline was simple to make it easy for viewers to tag on to what was happening. Nonetheless, it was realistic for the genre, action thriller which aims to provoke excitement in the audience without being too intellectually demanding. The sue of different camera shots gave it a professional look and made it attractive.

The location of the opening was the female victim's home. We filmed the exterior of the house as well as the staircase, hallway and finally, the bedroom where most of action happened. The setting was natural for this character and the mise en scene was already in place as the bedroom already belonged to a teenage girl, so there wasn't much to do in terms of setting up the room. For instance, already in place were a dresser with make-up, shoes, phone, pink covers and curtains to following the style of a typical girly teenager's bedroom. This similarity with other girls' room is a link to draw female viewers to watch the thriller

We intended to have the female lead perceived to be an innocent victim by the audience, and the male perpetrator of the abduction to be presented in a negative manner. The fact the the actors were within the same age range of the target audience also plays a role of addressing the audience as people are likely to tune into something that they can relate to as they can see a parallel and how it is possible that they may find themselves in a similar situation.

We used diegetic sounds such as when the female uses her keys to get into her home and sound of the keypad as she composes a text message. We also used non-diegetic sound such as the slow high pitched noise to build up tension and indicate to the audience that the intruder was gaining on the unsuspecting victim. Non-diegetic sounds were produced on Soundtrack Pro. All sounds were appropriately included at different parts of the opening to introduce a sense of reality.

Our film title, 'Intruder' is written in large, bold and white text. being one word, it does not give away too much information about the nature of the film other than there may be an intruder. in this way, the audience's attention is retained as they are curious to find out more about this intruder and what actually happens.

The production company Candistudios also directly attracts our target audience as it is a production company specifically for City and Islington College which has individuals age ranging between 16 and 19, which falls within the target audience age range of 16-21 years.

This video is brief feedback from our target audience and our teacher giving opinions of what appealed to them in our thriller opening.
Social networking sites are a great way to communicate information efficiently and minimal expenditure. Examples of these networking sites are facebook, twitter and youtube. We posted 'Intruder' on these mentioned social media sites.

Evaluation Question 1

Q1) In What ways does your media product use, develop or challenge forms and convention of real media products?


Evaluation Q2

Q2)  How Did Your Media Product Represent A Particular Social Groups?

Evaluation Question 3

What Kind of Media Institution Might Distribute Your Media Product and Why?

Monday 25 March 2013

Evaluation Question 4

Who Would Be the Audience For Your Media Product?

Recent surveys have shown 75% of thriller-viewers to be students. There are two main sub-genres of the film genre 'thriller'. These are: action thrillers, and psychological thrillers. Though both sub-genres target a young adult demographic between the ages of 16 and 25, the former sub-genre focuses of the lower ages of that spectrum whilst the latter, psychological thrillers, zones in on the higher end, i.e. 21 and upwards. Therefore, the target audience really depends on the kind of thriller movie that has been created. Psychological thrillers appeal to an older audience because of its intellectual demand. 'Intruder' falls into the sub-genre action thriller because of its simple and easy to follow storyline which makes it suited to an age group of approximately 16-21 years.

Thrillers are appealing to young adults because of the sense of risk associated which is entertaining. People often watch thrillers in social groups which is fun be experienced in a cinema or at home.

I created a facebook profile for a imaginary 'typical' subject of the target audience. The individual is a seventeen year old female student at Woodhouse College named Francesca Indigo who is from Islington. Thrillers have an approximately equal percentage of females and males who watch them, therefore it is suitable that this simulated individual is a female. The fact that she is from Islington- the same place where the film was made - has added benefit because it is more likely that she will express interest in watching the thriller because it was produced in the same place where she is from. She may feel excited that a film has been made in her area and curious to see the quality of film productions where she is from. Subsequently, she may talk about the film with her friends from college through word of mouth, and with a vast college population of hundreds of students, such information would travel fast, hence promoting the film. Having a facebook profile will also facilitate the promotion of the film because as a form of social media, all Francesca's friends can see her comments should she wish to post a review of what she thinks of the Thriller after she has watched it, or even a short statement to inform her friends that there is a Thriller film shot in her area.

EVALUTION Q1. In what ways dos your media product use, develop or challenge forms and conventions of real media products?

Q1. In what ways dos your media product use, develop or challenge forms and conventions of real media products?

Conventions of film openings 

In  lots of none genre specific films lots of stereotype conventions are used in the characters, settings and title sequence to display and understand the genre of the film.  Key characters are normally introduced during the film openings and will be included during the rest of the film, such as;

In The Hunger Games, we are introduced to main character Katniss

Establishing the shot, is setting location for the whole film in the opening sequence, and help us establish characters and the mise-en-scene of the film, like;

In Batman Begins, there is an established shot of were the scene is set

Titles are vital to film opening sequence, they can help set the genre for the audience using colour, font and style, some examples;

Shaun of the Dead, title show off the characters and themes of the film

Jaws uses bold font reflection on the genre of its film and the undersea effect to highlight the character and its setting

More Film Opening Conventions

I believe our thriller film opening uses the conventions of a typical film opening, our setting, titles, sound and character. The set shows a typical location for a kidnapping scene, with the protaganist as an innocence young girl home alone and an intruding kidnapper, mysterious and unknown. Our titles reflect our film with thrilling suspense, helped by the use of edited sound. 

EVALUATION Q3. What kind of media institution might distribute your media product and why?

Q3. What kind of media institution might distribute your media product and why?

Evaulation Question 6

What Have You Learnt About Technologies From The Process of Constructing this Product?

Friday 8 March 2013



My Over All View Of The Project

Overall the experience was very stressful but the outcome was rewarding. I really enjoyed filming and editng the thriller. The whole project was very time consuming and reqired a lot of effort to make sure the blogging and the thriller was good. It was a good experience to work in a group however even though I worked in with my whole group only when we was filming as there was only two of us including my self when it came to editing/blogging and making sure that the project was done on time. From this I have learnt that I should not always depend on other group member as they can be unreliable.

When it came to the filming there are a few things that I would change if I had a chance to do it again. These are things such as making sure that all team member are on time, writing down our ideas that we had while filming so that we can film them however because we was in a rush due to one member being late we forgot to film some of the idea that we had. So therefore next time I would write them down so that I don’t forget. In addition next time I would make sure that my self or another group member take more behind the scene pictures to show the evidence of us filming. As you can seefrom the blog that there is only a few behind the scenes pictures this was also due to rushing and also forgetting to take them. Also on one the secound day of filming we was given a recorder in stead of a still camera which stoped us from taking pictues on the secound day which ment we never had any pictures.

Secondly I think that the editing went well there is not much things that I would change the only thing that I would prefer if other group members would take more responsibility and helping my self and Rebecca out in either the editing or blogging. This would have had took off a lot of stress and work off of us. Over all I think that the editing process was really good we managed to finish the thriller on time. During this the editing I learnt how to use different software’s and gained a good experience over all

Lastly the blogging went well however I think that I could have had blogged a few more blogs, but because I stayed in college till late  due to editing the thriller when I got home I had other work to do for to other lesson. But I still think I have a decent amount of blogs.

Editing - Experience On Equipment/Programes

While in the process of making and editing our thriller I have gained a lot experience and knowledge on technology as well as how to use them in the correct way. I have used lots of different equipment and internet based techniques in order to make a successful thriller. In order to save our work we used hard drives that the college provided us with.

Firstly using the professional cameras was a great experience I have learnt different techniques on filming in the correct way, I have also gained an idea on how to get the correct and perfect camera angle as well the lighting. Using the professional camera made me feel like a real director. In addition I have used flip camera, still cameras in order to record the feedback that I got for our rough cut as well as taking some behind the scenes pictures and some still images of myself (Umme) and Rebecca editing. I also used a recorder which I recorded radio so that we can added it as a background music however after putting the recording in place it did not match to the sequence and therefore we decided not to use it
 When filming we also used lighting to make the shadows. Making the shadows was difficult as we need the exact right lighting and space to make the shadows. However in the end I was happy of the outcome of the shadows we produced. When it came to editing we used Final Cut Pro on the MAC at first I felt that it was difficult to use however as I edited more and got use to the program I managed to use Final Cut Pro successfully

The other main program that I used to make the sound for our thriller was Soundtrack Pro I also felt that it was quit complicating to use at first however I found that soundtrack pro was easier to use than final cut pro. In the search for a soundtrack for our thriller I was suggested to look on a website called 'Creative Commons Music'. I looked through the website however did not really like the music on it and there for decided to look on soundtrack Pro again. It took me a while to find the soundtrack however in the end I managed to gather some good sound to use on our thriller.


Editing- Lighting/Slow motion Effect

After filming the clips for our thriller and then coming to editing it I realized that the lighting that we had for each character was very good. What I mean by this is that the lighting that we used was effective and worked really well with the plot. However we did not intentionally plan on the lighting to be like that but we did film each scene with the lighting either dark or bright which gave us options when editing. An example would be when the intruder walks in to the home the have used darker lighting to represent him in a negative way. I know that the lighting that we have used was effective because when getting feedback on the rough cut where we also used the same lighting a student from my media class commented on how he " liked the darkness when if came to the villain". On the other hand the scenes that had the innocent girl alone we used brighter lighting so this emphasized her innocent.

When editing we also decided to make some things slow to create effect, the scenes that we decided to make slower than the original clip was the shadow of the hand clinching, scene where the bag falls when the girl is kidnapped. After slowing down the clips the scenes looked more effective and fitted well with the music. However the only problem that we had by slowing down the scenes is that the whole thriller extended over all, which meant that we went over the limit but after cutting down clips we managed to sort the time out.

Thursday 7 March 2013

Editing - Problems with Shooting

This is a short clip of a lighting issue we had whilst filming. It was difficult to balance the lighting in this scene because of the location we were shooting in. If we'd had the lights on, it wouldn't have represented the mise-en-scene well seeing as we were filming one of the intruders(Jameel), scenes which we needed to be dark but still clear enough for us to see what was happening.

This is an example of some poor camera work done by myself towards the ending of our thriller opening. I'd aimed to track the actress as she rose up to standing position after picking up some items then continue filming and she disposed them into her bag before leaving out of her room. The problem occurred because I hadn't turned the camera fast enough, the reason being because of the angle I was stood at. It was hard for me to keep up with the actress while she moved around because of the size of my room and obstacles that couldn't be moved, resulting in me cutting the actress out of the shot most of the time which then went on to give us a little trouble once we began editing. Luckily enough, we'd filmed that particular scene more than once which allowed us to pick and choose the best take I'd filmed but even still, we had to chop up and take out a little part in-between. After this was done, we hit another dead end as we couldn't seem to find a video transition that would allow the sequence to follow on fluently but we got there eventually.

Editing - Deleted Scenes/Examples and Why

An example of a deleted scene we'd decided not to use would be the low angle shot of the innocent character's(Billie), feet whilst she got ready to go out with a friend for the evening. We'd intentional used the lighting equipment to create the intruders(Jameel), shadow were we'd planned for him to walk up the corridor and into view of the camera, before hovering in the background of the clip, creating a cutaway shot which we thought we'd achieve very well once filmed but realised when were watching our footage back on the Macs that the additional lighting we'd used to create the shadow had been turned up to high, making the background bright which then made our initial idea ineffective.

Another example of a scene we'd removed from our line of work would be the high angle shot of the intruder(Jameel), walking up the stairs after he'd entered the innocent character's(Billie), apartment. We'd shot this particular scene many time at various different angles and camera shots, first starting at the bottom of the stairs with a low angle shot and a close up on his feet as proceeded up the staircase, which was a clip we'd actually used. Whilst filming we'd planned to use this high angled shot(in the screenshot photo provided)also but found ourselves deducting it later on because we'd preferred the shadow shot of the intruder walking across the hallway we'd created using the lighting equipment and felt it had a more intense feel and related well with the subject associated with the task given which was to create a thriller opening. In the same sense, we felt it would permit us with an opportunity in which we could show some diversity by showcasing an example of the different techniques we were given the chance to explore.

Overall View of the Project

This experience of making a film opening for a thriller has given me the opportunity to learn invaluable truths about: myself and how best I work, working as part of a team, and it has given me an insight into the industry of film-making and all that goes into it such as filming, film music, editing etc.

About myself, I've learnt that I am good at using technology as I picked up on how to use the software Final Cut Pro, quickly and efficiently. This enabled me to maximise its use in the making of my film.

Working in a group has taught me the importance of sharing responsibilities but it also taught me how unrealistic it is to believe that all team members would share equal responsibility and work load. However, as the thriller opening is the work of the 'team' and not the individual, I found myself pulling more weight than others in my team, although, I should add, I did have the assistance of one member in my group. Nonetheless, I am thankful that it all came together in the end and having the extra stress of more work gave me a taste of what is to come in the 'real' world.

This brings me on to my next point. This project has made me realise that I would like to have further involvement in such works of film making and editing. This has shown me the commitment and patience required, such as the long hours that this work called for and the less-than-cooperative group members, but the finished product is encouraging and only reiterated that the effort was not in vain. I thoroughly enjoyed this task.


Editing- Final Stages

By the 8th of March, which was the last day given to edit, we'd manage to finalise almost all aspects needed for our thriller opening. There were minor things we had to change and make sure they were accurate, for example the positioning of some of the titles, but our main focus was to complete adding in the rest of the soundtrack. We spent just over two hours engulfed in these tasks, but once done, we spent the final 45 minutes to an hour before the deadline listening to and watching our thriller opening repeatedly to see if anything needed some last minute adjusting or improving.


One thing we did pick up was the pace in which the titles were made to appear. We felt that they emerged and stayed on the screen for far too long before departing, so we shorted the length and made it so they were on just long enough for the audience to read clearly. Doing this particular task also allowed me(Rebecca), to be at total awareness of the mise-en-scene which also then gave me an idea of how we could perhaps make the titles more effective by changing the pace yet again but only in certain parts of the opening. For example, after the intruder has entered the house and has began walking up the stairs, we made it so that the titles became slightly shorter in both the distance between each title and in the length they were sustained on screen. We felt this merged well with what was going on visually in this part of the sequence between the short cuts of the clips, representing the growing tension being built accompanied by the rising intensity of the music, before regaining its normal speed when it'd seemed like things had relaxed in the sequence.

Wednesday 6 March 2013

Editing on the 6th and 7th of March

On the 6th and the 7th of March Umme and I (Rebecca) returned to room 325 to continue with the editing for our thriller opening for the majority of both days. During this time we worked on adding our titles to our sequence as well as finding the right sounds to accompany it.

During the process of uploading the titles we decided on a font size as shown in the image below. We didn't want the font to be too small that you wouldn't be able to read it properly when it is being displayed a large screen, nor did we want it to be too big that it became overpowering and a distraction from what going on in the opening, therefore, we settle for font size 30 which we felt was the most suitable. We also decided to add effects on the title, thereby allowing the titles to dissolve on then off the screen with fluency. The video transition we opted for was Cross Dissolve.

In addition to this, we'd originally had the title of our action thriller in a bright red colour, but later decided on changing it to white as we felt that the red contrasted too much with the colour of the room which was mostly pink. (Because of Rebecca's pink ceiling light shade).

This was the colour of the title before we changed it.

This is what the title looks like now.

This image shows the soundtrack that we added today (7th March) on to our timeline